Cache credentials if you need to enter credentials only once and they are cached for 900 seconds
git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3000'
Create branch from an existing branch and switch to it
git checkout -b new_branch develop
Create branch from commit and switch to it
git checkout -b new_branch d9410d98f69d08
Diff between local and remote branch
git fetch
git difftool origin/develop develop
# to refresh develop branch
git pull
Delete branches that don't exist on remote repo - sync remote and local repo
# git remote prune origin
* [pruned] origin/branch_name
# git branch -d branch_name # manually remove orphan
comparing files in two revisions
# this will launch diff tool for one file in two revisions
$ git difftool 344c f8cc proba.txt
# this will launch diff tool for one file in commit and working directory
$ git difftool a9a5f2a ./component.ts
# Usage of difftool for comparing all files in two revisions
git difftool 8c6a dd6b
Compare current commit with previous one
git difftool HEAD..HEAD~1
Put in zip archive files from single commit
git archive --format=zip 1615b >
My favorite format for log
git log --pretty=format:"%C(#cd9a00)%h %C(#0080ff) <%an> %C(#17b062)(%cr) %d %C(#c0d6de)%s"
remove ajax.php from version control but not from file system
git rm --cached ajax.php
git commit -m 'removed ajax.php from git'
put file from past commit to index and view diff.
git checkout 42cf1ad -- package.json
git difftool --cached
Search every branch in Git Repository and find commit containing
messageb or regex search
fin.*me in specified time range and print hash, line number and lines around matching line.
# in PowerShell and Linux
git grep -in -C 1 messageb $(git rev-list --all)
git grep -in -C 1 fin.*me $(git rev-list --all --since="2021-05-10" --before="2021-05-26")
another useful when looking for source code in all branches
# search in all files in all branches
# only Linux
git rev-list --all | (
while read revision; do
git grep -F 'yourWord' $revision
to find branch with SHA
$ git branch -a --contains 08d70aa131ded0ca84f9d31b7
search all commit messages in all branches
git log --all --oneline | grep "yourWord"
How single file changed in past by time and between commits
git log --follow -p --since="2 hours ago" --
git log --follow -p HEAD~3..HEAD --
List commits for my_branch since it's creation
git log --pretty=format:"%C(#cd9a00)%h %C(#0080ff) <%an> %C(#17b062)(%cr) %d %C(#c0d6de)%s" master..my_branch
Solve conflict, merge and refresh feature branch from master
git checkout -b my-branch # create new branch from master
# modify line, commit & push
# in GitLab modify same line add commit on master
# create merge request, try to merge it - it fails
git checkout master
git pull # refresh local copy
git checkout my-branch
git merge master
# merge, commit & push
# merge my-branch into master in GitLab using merge request
Install diff and merge tool for Windows:
1.Install KDiff3
2.Place this in .gitconfig file
[difftool "kdiff3"]
path = "c:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe"
trustExitCode = false
prompt = false
tool = kdiff3
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
path = "c:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe"
trustExitCode = false
keepBackup = false
tool = kdiff3