<?php class NoticeBoard{ private $_observers = array(); public function addNote( $name ) { foreach( $this->_observers as $obs ) $obs->onChanged( $this, $name ); } public function addObserver( $observer ) { $this->_observers []= $observer; } } class Student{ public function onChanged( $sender, $args ) { echo("The ".__CLASS__." is informed '$args' \n" ); } } class Teacher{ public function onChanged( $sender, $args ) { echo( "The ".__CLASS__." is informed '$args' \n" ); } } $s = new Student(); $t = new Teacher(); $nb = new NoticeBoard(); $nb -> addObserver($s); $nb -> addObserver($t); $nb->addNote('Due storm exams are postponed.'); ?>
Result is
The Student is informed 'Due storm exams are postponed.'
The Teacher is informed 'Due storm exams are postponed.'