script you need to update it like this: find row public $host = ""; and replace with public $host = "";. Download the script at you don't update your code like this some functions will not work, like Twitter search. You need to register your application at Once you register your application get following keys:
Consumer key
, Consumer secret
, Access token secret
, Access token
and put them in your code. You must make sure that your host supports cURL.OK here is the directory structure:
index.php twitteroauth - OAuth.php - twitteroauth.phpand here is index.php:
<?php $consumer_key = ""; $consumer_secret = ""; $access_key = ""; $access_secret = ""; require_once('twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'); // create an object from TwitterOAuth $connection = new TwitterOAuth ($consumer_key ,$consumer_secret , $access_key , $access_secret ); $content = $connection->get("statuses/user_timeline", array('screen_name'=>'ibm', 'count'=>'20') ); foreach( $content as $item ) { echo $item->text."<br/><br/>\n"; } ?>Yellow highlighted is the method name and green highlighted text are parameters
for the API call. This
script shows last 20 tweets from IBM. Full info is at statuses/user_timeline
API page.
<?php $consumer_key = ""; $consumer_secret = ""; $access_key = ""; $access_secret = ""; require_once('twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'); // create an object from TwitterOAuth $connection = new TwitterOAuth ($consumer_key ,$consumer_secret , $access_key , $access_secret ); $content = $connection->get("search/tweets", array('q'=>'bar', 'geocode'=>'37.781157,-122.398720,100km', 'count'=>'5', 'lang'=>'en')); echo"<pre style='border:dotted;padding:5px;background:lightgrey'>"; var_dump($content->statuses[0]->text); var_dump($content->statuses[0]->user->id); var_dump($content->statuses[0]->user->screen_name); echo"</pre>"; echo"<pre style='border:dotted;padding:5px;background:lightgrey'>"; print_r($content); echo"</pre>"; ?>This code shows first tweet, user_id and screen name.
shows first five results for keyword 'bar' 100 km around San Francisco (37.781157,-122.398720) in English. Complete reference is at search/tweets API page.